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 Stick War Skins! 
 Stick War: Legacy Endless Deads Trailer 
 Psychic's Revenge 
 Goodness Is Lost 
 Takeshidō Sentai 
 Die O' Man Of Mine 
 Hot Steel 
 Stick Empires - Play Now! 

 Official YouTube Channel 

 Stick Empires Universe 
 Call of Duty Sticks: Infected 
 Takeshidō Sentai 
 Kingdom Hearts Sleeping with Memories of 358 Codes in a Distance 
 Hot Steel 
 Sift Heads 3 

 Professional Sniper 3 


Today we are proud to announce the Alpha launch of "Stick War: Legacy". If you have an android device you can play it now. We would appreciate any feedback as the game will continue to be polished, balanced and fixed with your feedback.

Our ultimate goal is to have the final launched to Google Play in the next month and shortly after Itunes. We are still working on a few things such as the intro and final victory screens which we will continue to make while the alpha runs.

Download and play the game here